AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

You will find summaries of our AGM reports on this page. You can also search for reports on a specific company, using our “Research” feature. Only full members of ShareSoc can view the full details of our AGM reports and need to login to do so. If you wish to gain access, click here to become a full member, for less than 90p/week and gain full access to our library of hundreds of AGM reports, as well as other member benefits.

If you are already a full member and are still having any difficulty accessing our reports, please contact the ShareSoc Office.

M&S AGM Report 2023

By Cliff Weight, ShareSoc member and M&S Shareholder. This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc.  Quick, Slick 87 minute AGM. Short and Sweet. Sugar and Spice and All Things Nice. Background: M&S performance  With the M&S (MKS) share price increased by 40% over the past 12 months, it was likely to be a nice AGM with relatively little shareholder dissent. However, long term shareholders will remember M&S hit its peak of £6.98 in 2007, crashed to £2.08 ...

Loopup AGM Report 2023

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc.  Background  We are often warned of how technology change can decimate a company and perhaps there is little better example than LoopUp. In the Spring of 2020, LoopUp, with its telephone meetings business, appeared to be in the right place as everyone started working from home and physical meetings were cancelled. But revenues nosedived 60% in 2021, profits turned into losses and rapid equity dilution followed as Microsoft Teams ...

RIT Capital Partners (RCP) AGM 2023

This article reflects the opinions of its author and not necessarily those of ShareSoc.  Introduction  I travelled to London today, 26th April, to attend the RCP AGM. Given that I’m now living in the north of England I don’t attend many London AGMs anymore, but I thought this one would be interesting… and so it proved.  RCP has come under severe criticism from some quarters in recent months, due to poor performance in 2022. The discount to NAV at which the shares trade has ...

Baronsmead VCT AGMs 2023 and VCT Prospects

Today (1/2/2023) I attended the two Baronsmead VCT AGMs (BMD and BVT) via a Zoom webinar, partly because of the train strikes today but partly because I did not expect any momentous events or questions to take place, and so it turned out. But they did get a number of shareholders attending in person despite the train strikes.  However despite me registering for the event some weeks ago I did not receive a zoom invite and had to chase that up just ...

JPMorgan Global Growth AGM 2022

Yesterday I attended the Annual General Meeting of JPMorgan Global Growth and Income Plc (JGGI). This is a global investment trust as the name implies and the meeting was a “hybrid” AGM with a number of shareholders present in person but I attended on-line. Questions could be posed on-line but voting was only via proxy in advance for those attending on-line. I found this a perfectly satisfactory arrangement. The meeting commenced with a presentation from the managers after brief words from the ...

Cranswick AGM Report 2022

Introduction On 1st August I set out early for a long drive to Hull to attend Cranswick’s AGM. Though I had met Cranswick’s management some years previously at an investor event London, this was the first of their AGMs that I had attended. Given its out of the way location, at a hotel in the Hull suburbs (but close to Cranswick’s HQ), I thought it would be rather a small affair. I was, however, pleasantly surprised: Cranswick had booked a substantial reception ...

Northern 2 VCT AGM Report 2022 – Far From Perfect

I attended the Annual General Meeting of Northern 2 VCT (NTV) today (10/8/2022). This is a Venture Capital Trust with a decent long-term performance but last year the total return was only 0.8% after a very good prior year. I made some negative comments two years ago about how the AGM at this company was run – I called it “totally undemocratic”, and that didn’t really change this year. This was a “hybrid” AGM in that there were a few shareholders in ...

GB Group AGM

Today (28/07/2022) I attended the Annual General Meeting of GB Group (GBG) via the Lumi online platform. This worked well as one could both submit questions and vote via the platform. It appeared there were few attendees either physically or on-line as I was the only person who submitted any questions. I asked why not all directors were up for re-election which is now considered best practice. The answer from the Company Secretary was that this was not a requirement for AIM ...

Telecom Plus AGM 2022

Today (26/07/2022) there were two Annual General Meetings for companies in which I hold shares – TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) and Telecom Plus (TEP), both of which are long-standing holdings. I didn’t manage to attend either physically because I had an appointment at Guy’s Hospital in the morning. Click here to read a report on the TR property AGM The AGM for Telecom Plus was also run as a hybrid meeting. There was a resolution put to the meeting to revise the ...

TR Property AGM 2022

Today (26/07/2022) there were two Annual General Meetings for companies in which I hold shares – TR Property Investment Trust (TRY) and Telecom Plus (TEP), both of which are long-standing holdings. I didn’t manage to attend either physically because I had an appointment at Guy’s Hospital in the morning. However I did manage to log in to watch most of the TRY meeting including the manager’s presentation by Marcus Phayre-Mudge which was very interesting. I’ll only cover a few points as you ...