AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

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NewRiver REIT AGM 2021

The NewRiver REIT AGM was the first AGM that I attended physically in person since the start of the pandemic in March 2020. Other than the board, some staff and advisers, I was the only external shareholder to attend in person, giving me the luxury of having the board all to myself. As is usually the case in such circumstances they were most gracious. I asked first about the current strategy. Why stick to retail assets, when there was an opportunity to ...

Boku AGM 2021

I also attended the Boku (BOKU) Annual General Meeting today. This was another Zoom event with about 10 attendees. The CEO gave a short presentation and the Chairman covered the issue that proxy advisor ISS had recommended voting against the remuneration resolution (there were some votes against). The ISS complaint was apparently that the LTIP was not solely performance based. The Chairman said they needed to match the more normal US remuneration structure, i.e. options based on length of service. Several questions ...

EKF Diagnostics AGM, Verici DX & Renalytics 2021

I attended the Annual General Meeting of EKF Diagnostics (EKF) today via Zoom. This was one of the better organised electronic format AGMs I have attended. To quote from the company’s web site: “EKF Diagnostics is a global medical manufacturer of point-of-care and central lab devices and chemistry reagents including hemoglobin tests, HbA1c tests, glucose and lactate tests. EKF also manufactures and distributes products associated with COVID-19 pandemic”.  The latter has enabled the company to generate very high revenue growth recently ...

British Smaller Companies VCT AGM 2020

I “attended” the British Smaller Companies VCT Annual General Meeting today via Zoom. This was yet another variant on the practice of virtual AGMs. But there were apparently about 30 people connected which is more than they normally get of shareholders at their AGMs. It was well managed with no significant technical problems, unlike others recently I have attended. Shareholders could vote for or against the resolutions on the day by using a Zoom Vote facility to give an instant poll result ...

Northern 2 VCT AGM 2020 – A Totally Undemocratic Affair

I attended the Northern 2 VCT Annual General Meeting yesterday via Zoom. This was a most disappointing event. There were three directors physically present and Tim Levett gave an overview of the company’s new investments and the top ten holdings. But when it came to the formal business they took a show of hands vote which is totally meaningless when only the directors were permitted to be present. They did show the proxy counts, so they may have won a poll vote anyway ...

Oxford Technology VCT AGMs 2020

The 2020 Oxford VCT AGMs were held via a Zoom video conference on Thursday 9th July. Links to all four Annual Reports (year ending Feb 2020) can be found on the Oxford Technology VT home page: At this year’s AGM there were 30 (plus) attendees so the number of ordinary shareholders who logged in was probably around 25 (only slightly higher than the attendance last year). The meeting commenced at 14:00 with a brief welcome and some housekeeping rules from the ...

Learning Technologies AGM Report 2020

I “attended” the on-line Annual General Meeting of Learning Technologies Group (LTG) today. This was run using the GoToWebinar software. There did not appear to be many people on the call as only one shareholder asked a question. Perhaps this was because you had to register for the event in advance using your Investor Code – which only those on the register would have, not those in nominee accounts. This is deeply unsatisfactory. The meeting was initially chaired by Andrew Brode who ...

EKF Diagnostics Virtual AGM 2020

This morning I attended the virtual AGM of EKF Diagnostics (EKF), a medical products manufacturer mainly for diagnostic applications. There were about 12 attendees via a Zoom conference call and it worked quite well. Attendees were asked to register and submit questions in advance, although there was time to ask impromptu questions in the meeting also which were invited at the end. Voting was done on a poll so the results of that were displayed first. The meeting was chaired by CEO ...

Porvair and Segro AGMs 2020

I “attended” the Annual General Meeting of Porvair Plc (PRV) this morning. This was of course not a conventional meeting with minimal numbers there in person. But there was a telephone conference call before the legal meeting to enable shareholders to ask questions, although there were less than half a dozen investors who chose to dial-in. The Chairman, John Nicholas, made some brief comments to begin with. He mainly just summarised the recently issued trading statement. But he did say all plants ...

Baronsmead Venture Trust (BVT) AGM 2020

Yesterday (26/2/2020) I attended the Annual General Meeting of the Baronsmead Venture Trust (BVT) held at Saddlers Hall in the City of London. It was reasonably well attended. I will just report on the major issues: The Net Asset Value Total Return for last year I calculate to be -2.7% which is certainly disappointing. Note that it is annoying that they do not provide this figure in the Annual Report which is a key measure of the performance of any VCT and ...