AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

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Sea Energy (SEA) AGM Report 2012

The company has advised that it is returning 10p \ share in a tender offer (details in July), owns c 25% of Lansdown Oil & Gas c 13p\s and still has £14m cash c 20p\s, SP is 27p, Qn; invest in unproven ventures or liquidate? David Sigsworth, chairman, invited questions following the formal business and presentation, John Aldersley-Williams CEO, lives nr Aberdeen, been in the North Sea O&G (supply) industry for many yrs, went through the presentation and answered most of the questions; J ...

Anglo Asian plc (AAZ) AGM Report 2012

DISCLAIMER: All views expressed are those of the author, who accepts no responsibility for any errors and is not authorised to give investment advice. Do not rely on this report when making investment decisions. This was an excellent AGM with the board of directors of Anglo Asian (LSE:AAZ) being happy to discuss a wide range of issues raised by shareholders. The mood was very upbeat. I attended the meeting with the three shareholders who joined a trip I organised in May 2011 ...

Amati VCT 2 PLC (AMAT) AGM Report 2012

Amati VCT 2 Plc is a Venture Capital Trust that was formed in March 2011 from the merger with Invesco Perpetual AIM VCT Plc. It had previously been the result of a merger of the Singer & Friedlander AIM VCTs, subsequently renamed Victory VCT and then Amati after the latter took over the fund management. There was also a share consolidation which rebased the net asset value to nearer 100p and which concealed the poor past performance for the uninitiated, and ...

Coastal Energy (CEO) AGM Report 2012

Due to time constraints, this report is largely in note form and assumes familiarity with investing in the oil & gas sector. Jargon is not generally explained. Some familiarity with Coastal’s properties is also assumed. See the annual report for details. Do not hesitate to ask if you would like clarification or explanation of any particular points. This report is divided into: Facts and figures on the company Information about the AGM venue and conduct Report on verbal statements from management and related shareholder ...

Morrisons (MRW) AGM Report 2012

This was held at 11:00 at the company's new HQ in an out-of-the way part of Bradford a couple of miles from the city centre. I imagine they got all sorts of grants to develop this brownfield site. The result (owned outright, as is their way) is an impressive part of their estate. Hoping for a coffee and a chat with someone I arrived early. No such luck, I was ushered to a seat and had to wait out the time. I ...

Ocean Wilson (OCN) Analysis and 2012 AGM Report

DISCLAIMER: All views expressed are those of the author, who accepts no responsibility for any errors and is not authorised to give investment advice. Do not rely on this report when making investment decisions. Introduction Ocean Wilsons’ (LSE:OCN) AGM proved a very useful occasion to improve my understanding of the business. Hence, I will set out the key points that I learnt or gained clarification on, before documenting details of the AGM. Based on what I have learnt I will be revising my investment strategy for this company ...

Lidco (LID) AGM Report 2012

Lidco sell hemodynamic monitoring products for patients in critical care situations (in surgery or intensive care). The technology monitors fluid balance, and reduces unwanted side effects of major surgery, often enabling patients to have a much reduced stay in hospital. There are therefore substantial cost benefits for hospitals who implement such technology. For example an NHS report recently recommended wider adoption of fluid management technologies – full adoption across the NHS might result in £400m per annum of savings. The worldwide ...

Graphite Enterprise (ICGT) AGM Report 2012

Graphite Enterprise (GPE) is a private equity investment trust who held their AGM on the 11th June. The performance of this long-established trust has been good over the years (see some data below), but like other similar trusts, the confidence of investors in such companies evaporated in 2008 when they were seen as vulnerable to a cash crisis. At that point some of the other private equity trusts ran into severe problems, while Graphite and others suffered from large discounts (the ...

Judges Scientific (JDG) AGM Report 2012

Judges (AIM:JDG) is a mini-conglomerate of niche, highly specialist, scientific instrument and related supplies companies. Each of its subsidiaries is a dominant player in its own specific niche. Acquisitions have focussed on highly cash-generative businesses, available at prices offering an excellent return on capital. See the annual report for details. Though Judges’ shares have risen considerably over the last year, they remain on an attractive multiple and PEG ratio, as long as you adjust out the distortion caused by the required IAS39 treatment of convertible shares. ...

Hiscox (HSX) AGM Report 2012 – One of the worst

After attending the Judges Scientific Annual General Meeting yesterday (a useful meeting if sparsely attended), I visited the AGM of Hiscox in their offices in the City of London. Technically that statement is not quite correct because although I was there, the actual AGM was held in Bermuda. Hiscox moved their company domicile to Bermuda a few years ago, ostensibly for tax reasons bearing in mind that they have substantial operations there. One resulting peculiarity of this was that most shareholders now ...