AGM Reports

AGM Reports

Our library contains reports on the Annual General Meetings of a large number of listed and quoted companies that our members have attended. This unique resource provides valuable insights for investors in those companies, not available anywhere else.

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D4t4 AGM 2019

D4T4 Solutions AGM – 22nd Aug 2019 - Sunbury HQ 17 attendees incl. 1-2 staff and finnCap rep (excl. Board members). Mcap £95m – SP 237p Cash adjusted PE of 14 compared to PE of 22 for wider peer group. Q. Can you give investors any further update on the recent patent issue with User Replay. A. CEO confirmed it as “non-issue” and relates to an old patent. D4T4 challenged User Replay re: patent infringement. No commercial significance. Q. What main headwinds does the business face? A. ...

D4T4 Solutions AGM

This morning I attended the Annual General Meeting of D4T4 Solutions Plc (D4T4) at their offices in Sunbury-on-Thames. This is an AIM-listed niche software solutions business which has been listed since 1997, originally on the main market under the name IS Solutions. I did hold the shares years ago but recently bought back a few as the acquisition of Celebrus gives it some real IP as opposed to it being primarily a service business as it used to be. The two ...

Ventus and Ventus 2 VCTs (VEN, VEN2) AGM Report 2019

The Ventus (VEN) and Ventus 2 (VEN2) AGMs were held on Thursday 8th August 2019, commencing at 11:30 at the offices of Howard Kennedy (the VCT’s solicitors), No. 1 London Bridge, London SE1 9BG. For investors who are not familiar with VEN and VEN2, they are both Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs) which own (or part own) a number of wind farms and hydroelectric power generation stations in the UK. The directors of the VCTs employ Temporis (renewable energy specialists) to manage the ...

Albion Enterprise VCT (AAEV) AGM Report 2019

This year’s Albion Enterprise VCT AGM was held on Tuesday 30th July 2019 at 12:00 at The Charterhouse, a fascinating and historic venue – – close to Farringdon rail and tube station, Barbican tube station and Albion’s office in Benjamin Street, to where it recently relocated after 10 years at King’s Arms Yard. It was the first Albion AGM to be held at the new venue after several years of them being held at the City of London Club. The Annual ...

NewRiver REIT (NRR) AGM Report 2019

I attended the NewRiver REIT AGM. There were initial comments by Allan Lockhart, CEO and a good Q&A session covering about 20 questions. I have captured the key points from the introduction by Allan and the Q&A session including some data from the reports. Mark Bentley was also at the AGM. Management Buying Shares A shareholder asked about buybacks and management buying since the share price drop. The Chairman has bought some shares. The management has been buying mainly through their options. Mark ...

ProVen VCT (PVN) AGM Report 2019

I commented on the results of ProVen VCT before their AGM, here: . I said: “Total return to shareholders was 10.3% last year, but the fund manager did even better. Of the overall profits of the company of £18.6 million, they received £7.7 million in management fees (i.e. they received 41% of the profits this year). That includes £5.6 million in performance fees. Studying the management fee (base 2.0%) and the performance fee, I find the latter particularly incomprehensible. I ...

Mountfield Group (MOGP) AGM Report 2019

Mountfield Group (MOGP) – AGM Notes Share Price 1.75p – Market Cap – 4.5m Attendees – Peter Jay, Andy Collins and Andy May of MOGP, me and one other PI plus two reps from DAC Beechcroft Formal business and resolutions all done fairly quickly followed by Peter opening up the meeting for Q&A. Questions and answers below have been summarised where possible and any errors/omissions are my own. Q. Board Structure. Can you talk about the Board structure and how you see the Board developing going forward? (this was ...

Oxford Technology VCTs (OXT, OXH, OTT, OXF) AGM Report 2019

The 2019 Oxford VCT AGMs were held earlier this week (Wednesday 3rd July) at the Oxford Technology VCT offices, The Magdalen Centre, Oxford Science Park, Oxford OX4 4GA. Links to all four Annual Reports (year ending Feb 2019) can be found on the Oxford Technology home page: At this year’s AGM there were probably around 20 ordinary shareholders present, slightly down on last year. The meeting commenced at 14:00 and after a brief welcome from the OT1 chairman we had a presentation ...

RA International (RAI) AGM Report 2019

The AGM was held on 24th June. Notes by Simon Hedger/Mark Bentley: Contracts with O&G / mining companies discussed i.e. what are the key differences in bidding them compared to UN type contracts? CEO noted that they are very similar; the key difference being the end client risk as they are typically new clients rather than ones RA has worked with before. Capital requirements of larger projects being bid by the Group. In summary, the bigger the project the more working ...

ECSC (ECSC) AGM Report 2019

This year’s ECSC AGM was held at at Regus - London Monument, 68 King William Street, London EC4N 7DZ on Wednesday 19 June 2019 at 2.00 pm, The previous two AGMs had been held at the company’s HQ in Bradford, so this was a welcome change in venue for attendees from London and the SE. There were around 15 attendees, which included 5 - 6 ordinary shareholders, the BOD and representatives from Allenby (Nomad and Broker) and the PR agency. For investors who ...