
ShareSoc Blog

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

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Response to Consultation on Enhancing conduct of business rules for firms providing contract for difference products

ShareSoc responded to the FCA’s consultation on business rules for firms providing contract for difference (CFD) products with this note: CFD-Response

Clamp Down on CFDs – ShareSoc’s Comments

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is proposing to clamp down on CFDs (contracts for difference) and similar financial products such as binary bets. CFDs are complex financial products that...

Government Action on Dormant Accounts

The Government has today reported that as much as £2 billion is sitting idle in dormant accounts such as share trading accounts, ISAs, pensions and insurance products. That includes £715 million alone in investment and wealth management accounts. This is noted by the Independent Dormant Assets Commission set up by the Government which has looked at whether the existing scheme for dormant bank and building society accounts should be extended. Minister for Civil Society, Rob Wilson, suggests that this money could help ...

Alliance Trust Vote – A Victory for Private Investors and ShareSoc

PRESS RELEASE 90 01/03/2017 Yesterday Alliance Trust shareholders voted to support the Board's proposals to change the investment management arrangements and to buy out Elliot. This is surely a major win for private investors and for the stance taken by ShareSoc and the Alliance Trust Shareholder Action Group (ATSAG) which ShareSoc has supported over the last 3 years. ShareSoc wholeheartedly backed the Board's proposals. Alliance Trust can now move forward. But it was a close run thing as proxy advisory services who advise ...

NCC Group – Rob Cotton Departing

In a previous blog post I commented that bearing in mind past events, I doubted that many investors would continue to believe that the long-standing CEO Rob Cotton should continue to lead the company. It would appear the directors agree with me because this morning (1/3/2017) it was announced he was stepping down with immediate effect. Brian Tenner, CFO, will take over as interim CEO and will lead the previously announced strategic review. The share price rose slightly in early trading on ...

Alliance Trust Vote – A Victory for Private Investors and ShareSoc

Today Alliance Trust shareholders voted to support the Board’s proposals to change the investment management arrangements and to buy out Elliot. This is surely a major win for private...

Interesting FT Articles on Fund Performance , Nick Train and Executive Pay

There have been some very interesting articles in the FT in the last few days. On the 25th February John Authers discussed market timing and passive versus active management. He quoted consumer research group Dalbar who have compared active and passive funds. Although passive funds have beaten active funds in the long term, because of their lower costs, investors in active funds have received higher returns in the last 15 years. How can that be? It's because to quote: "Holders of ...

AIC Press Release on VCTs

To follow on from my last blog post, another interesting press release from the AIC today was that on the performance of Venture Capital Trusts (VCTs). That's particularly so when everyone is considering their tax bills at this time of year, i.e. those just paid and how they can avoid such big ones for the current year and next. VCTs do of course offer upfront income tax relief when investing in new shares, and also tax free dividends thereafter. Many have been ...

AIC Response to Green Paper

The Association of Investment Companies (AIC) have published their response to the Government's Green Paper on Corporate Governance. One recommendation contained therein is that "The AIC also recommends that a detailed study to assess retail investors’ access to voting services on platforms and other nominee account services is undertaken to identify any necessary reforms". This is of course a very positive endorsement of an issue that ShareSoc has been campaigning upon for some time - see our campaign page here: Shareholder ...

The Future Value of Money

The future value of money was a question highlighted by a Government decision yesterday. The discount rate to be applied to awards to road accident victims and others, to ensure they always have enough to support their future needs, is to be changed to -0.75% (that's minus 0.75%). Previously, and for many years, it has been assumed that they could invest a cash lump sum at a rate of plus 2.5%. That was on the assumption that they could invest in ...
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