
ShareSoc Blog

This blog gives you the latest topical news plus some informal comments on them from ShareSoc’s directors and other contributors. These are the personal comments of the authors and not necessarily the considered views of ShareSoc. The writers may hold shares in the companies mentioned. You can add your own comments on the blog posts, but note that ShareSoc reserves the right to remove or edit comments where they are inappropriate or defamatory.

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ShareSoc Launches New Director Remuneration Guidelines

ShareSoc has issued the following press release on its new Remuneration Guidelines. These Guidelines have been developed by ShareSoc Director Cliff Weight who has substantial experience in these matters, supported by other ShareSoc directors. In summary the press release said: FTSE100 CEO pay is too high. It should be less than half of current amounts. FTSE 100 CEO’s maximum bonus should be 100% of salary (currently 200% is common) and the LTIP maximum normal annual award should be 100% of salary (currently 300% is ...

ShareSoc Advises Investors to Vote Against WPP Plc Remuneration

PRESS RELEASE 79 18/05/2016 ShareSoc (the UK Individual Shareholders Society) is advising its Members to vote against the Remuneration Report resolution at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of WPP in June 2016. WPP’s share price has performed well in in recent years. However, ShareSoc consider: The remuneration of the CEO Sir Martin Sorrell is far too high (£70 million in 2015 and £191 million since 2009), and particularly so considering: - his potential future equity incentives (his unvested 1.8 million share awards would be worth ...

Pay at WPP

ShareSoc has issued a press release advising investors to vote against the Remuneration Report at WPP Plc. In particular we think the pay of CEO Sir Martin Sorrell is excessive (£70 million in 2015). See for the full press release. This is one of several advisory notices on pay we have issued to ShareSoc Members recently. The previous ones were on Reckitt Benckiser, Anglo American and BP. It is very clear that the reforms to tackle excessive pay introduced by Vince ...

ShareSoc Appoints New Chairman and Additional Director

PRESS RELEASE 78 16/05/2016 ShareSoc (the UK Individual Shareholders Society) has appointed Mark Northway as Chairman of its Board of Directors. Mark is a senior practitioner in financial markets with wide ranging managerial and governance experience across credit, fixed income, equity and treasury markets. Mark's recent activities have centred on the development of asset management businesses in both listed and private equity space. Mark takes over as Chairman from Stan Grierson who will remain on the board. The board has expressed a vote of thanks to ...

Systems Go to Serve You Better!

Thanks to the generous donations received, we now have sufficient funds to start work on the next phase of ShareSoc’s IT upgrade project. Special “thank you”s go to Leon...

The Restaurant Group AGM Report (RTN)

Today I attended the Annual General Meeting of The Restaurant Group for the first time - held in the City of London at 10.00 am. There were about 50 shareholders present which I was told was slightly more than normal, perhaps because the company seems to be in some turmoil after recent profit warnings and the abrupt departure of the finance director. From being one of those stock market growth stocks on high valuations (share price peaking at over 700p in ...

Pre-Emption Resolutions Likely to Change

Pre-Emption rights are a very positive feature of the UK stock market scene. They prevent companies from issuing shares without existing shareholder consent, except to a limited extent. That avoids excessive dilution without your consent. The Pre-Emption Group sets the guidelines for this voluntary system which generally means that for larger companies 5% is the limit without getting a shareholder vote in favour. A resolution to cover this for the next year is on most AGM agendas. The Pre-Emption Group have ...

Alliance Trust AGM

I was unfortunately unable to travel to the Alliance Trust AGM in Dundee as I hoped to do because of a medical problem, but here is a report from Jim Cook: Alliance Trust 2016 AGM, Dundee, 6th May 2016 The AGM was well attended with around 300 shareholders represented. In his opening remarks Lord Smith explained why he had accepted the Chairmanship. Firstly, the company faced challenges.  Secondly, what needed to be done had been identified.  Thirdly, a plan was in place.  Lord ...

Rolls-Royce and Other AGMs

Yesterday I attended the Annual General Meeting of Rolls-Royce Plc - held at 11.00 in Nottingham (at a conference centre on the University Park). Why move the venue from London where it has been held since 2004? Probably to attract a more sympathetic audience of ex-employees I suspect. Shareholders in Rolls-Royce don't need to be told that this company is going through a rough patch. Profits in the last two years have been miniscule, the dividends have been cut and even revenue ...

ShareSoc’s Response to Head of AIM

On Monday, The Times published the response of Marcus Stuttard, head of AIM, to public criticism Sharesoc levelled against the lack of effective regulation of the AIM market. We have today...
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