
This page contains all current and past public consultations to which ShareSoc has responded. The latest ones are at the top of the list. One of the main activities of ShareSoc is to make sure that the views of private shareholders are communicated, and your interests represented, and one way we do that is by responding to all relevant public consultations. Many of ShareSoc’s adopted policies on specific issues are documented in these consultation responses.

Note that some of the documents referenced in links are pdf files. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to be able to open and read these documents. Most PCs already have that software installed, but if not you can download a free copy from

ShareSoc’s and UKSA’s joint response to the FRC’s consultation on the enforcement procedures sanctions

ShareSoc’s and UKSA’s joint response to the FRC’s consultation on the FRC’s enforcement procedures sanctions: Click here

ShareSoc’s response to the FCA’s consultation on Illiquid Assets and Open-Ended Investment Funds

ShareSoc’s response to the FCA’s consultation on Illiquid Assets and Open-Ended Investment Funds is in this document: Open-Ended-Funds

Response to the FCA’s consultation on funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

ShareSoc responded to the FCA’s consultation on funding of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) with this note: FSCS-Funding

Response to Consultation on Enhancing conduct of business rules for firms providing contract for difference products

ShareSoc responded to the FCA’s consultation on business rules for firms providing contract for difference (CFD) products with this note: CFD-Response

Response to the Asset Management Market Study

ShareSoc submitted the following comments to the FCA on the Asset Management Market Study - Interim Report: Asset-Management-Study

Response to BEIS Consultation on Green Paper on Corporate Governance

ShareSoc’s response to the public consultation on the Green Paper issued by the BEIS Department on Corporate Governance is present here: Green-Paper-Corporate-Governance-Response

ShareSoc’s response to the public consultation by the FCA on its “Future Mission”

ShareSoc’s response to the public consultation by the FCA on its "Future Mission" is given in this document: FCA-Mission-ShareSoc-Response

ShareSoc’s response on the reform of Stamp Duty

ShareSoc’s submission to the Office of Tax Simplification on their review of Stamp Duty is in this document: Stamp-Duty-Review

ShareSoc’s submission to the Parliament BIS Select Committee’s inquiry into Corporate Governance

The following press release on ShareSoc’s submission to the Parliament BIS Select Committee’s inquiry into Corporate Governance was issued: Press083. The full submission is present here: BIS-Committee-Submission

ShareSoc’s response to the BIS Non-Financial Reporting consultation

This response was made to the consultation by the BIS Department on The Non-Financial Reporting Directive: Non-Financial-Reporting