
This page contains all current and past public consultations to which ShareSoc has responded. The latest ones are at the top of the list. One of the main activities of ShareSoc is to make sure that the views of private shareholders are communicated, and your interests represented, and one way we do that is by responding to all relevant public consultations. Many of ShareSoc’s adopted policies on specific issues are documented in these consultation responses.

Note that some of the documents referenced in links are pdf files. You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed to be able to open and read these documents. Most PCs already have that software installed, but if not you can download a free copy from

ShareSoc’s submission to the Parliamentary Committee considering the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill

ShareSoc’s submission to the Parliamentary Committee considering the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill which will encompass the changes to Company Law to enforce a binding vote on pay is contained in this document: ERR_Submission

ShareSoc’s submission to the Parlimentary Treasury Select Committee inquiry into Corporate Governance and Remuneration

Our submission to the Parlimentary Treasury Select Committee inquiry into Corporate Governance and Remuneration in systemically important financial institutions is contained in this document: TSC_Submission

An additional response to The Kay Review

An additional response to the Kay Review covering the specific issues of shareholder enfranchisement and the AIM market has been submitted - see Kay Review 2. See below for our main response to the Kay Review.

ShareSoc’s Response to the “Shareholder Voting Rights” Consultation

Our response to the Shareholder Voting Rights Consultation is contained in this document: Shareholder_Voting_Rights. In summary we support the main proposals, would like to see binding votes on pay being "special" resolutions (I.e requiring a 75% majority in favour) and would like to see AIM companies covered by these regulations as well.

ShareSoc’s Response to “The Future of Narrative Reporting” Consultation

We submitted the following response to the consultation by the BIS on "The Future of Narrative Reporting" which proposed substantial changes to the content of companys’ Annual Reports and other company reports: Future of Narrative Reporting Response

The Kay Review: ShareSoc’s submission

The Kay Review is a consultation on the operation of the UK equity markets and long-term decision making. We submitted this document to the initial call for evidence: Kay Review . See above for a subsequent response in addition.

ShareSoc’s response to BIS “Executive Pay Discussion Paper”

The BIS issued an "Executive Pay Discussion Paper" on the issue of excessive and growing pay - the ShareSoc response is in this document: Executive Pay . Postscript: we subsequently issued this note to answer some of the questions and comments that had arisen in public debate on this issue: Exec-Remuneration-2 . Also see above for our subsequent response to the Shareholder Voting Rights Consultation.

ShareSoc submitted a reponse to the Sharman Inquiry on “going concern and liquidity risks”

ShareSoc submitted a reponse to the Sharman Inquiry on "going concern and liquidity risks". It is in this document: Sharman_Response

ShareSoc responds to the Independent Commision on Banking with a submission in response to their Interim Report

ShareSoc responded to the Independent Commision on Banking with this submission in response to their Interim Report: ICB_Consultation_Response. In summary we agree with much of the report but are not in favour of a UK "retail ring-fence".

ShareSoc comments on the FRC proposals on “Effective Company Stewardship”

ShareSoc comments on the FRC proposals on "Effective Company Stewardship" and the proposal to drop printed annual reports: FRC_Response. A supplementary response covering the issue of Nomination Committees was also submitted in this document: FRC_Response_Supp