ShareSoc News

Sirius Update #5, 9 Feb 2020

CLARIFICATION It has been brought to our attention by Sirius that our original MP Template Letter contained certain inaccuracies. At the time of drafting the template, we had received the impression that Sirius had been negotiating the takeover with Anglo American for a year and a half, including the period covering the 15p open offer and placing. The company confirms, and we accept, that this was not the case. We would also like to clarify that our reference to a protracted marketing campaign by ...

Sirius Update #4  5 Feb 2020

Over 700 Sirius shareholders have now joined the ShareSoc Sirius Shareholder Group (SSSG) and more are joining at a rapid rate. Please join ShareSoc and SSSG. The more members of SSSG we have, the more influential we will be. We have successfully lobbied Sirius and they agreed to meet. We have sent them a 5 page letter and they sent a detailed response. The Sirius meeting was with CEO Chris Fraser, Chairman Russell Schrimshaw and others, and happened on 4 Feb. A note ...

Sirius Update #3 30 Jan 2020

586 Sirius shareholders have now joined the ShareSoc Sirius Shareholder Group (SSSG) and more are joining at a rapid rate. Pressure is mounting from the Daily Mail, with our input, for Anglo to consider options that keep shareholders engaged and I can now report two more major press stories in the Telegraph and Yorkshire Post: - It is the second article on this link and you need to register to see it. We have had a terrific response from the Law Commission, ...

Sirius Update #2 28 Jan 2020

As of today, 28 Jan,  274 Sirius shareholders representing at least 150m shares have joined the ShareSoc Sirius Shareholder Group (SSSG) and more are joining at a rapid rate. These figures do not include a backlog of registrations still to process. The more members we have, the more people will have to listen to us. We are merging Paul Anscombe's data into ShareSoc's database thus ensuring that the data is held securely and confidentially. This work is currently underway. I would like ...

Sirius Update #1 24 Jan 2020

As of last night 235 Sirius shareholders have joined the ShareSoc Sirius Shareholder Group (SSSG) and more are joining at a rapid rate. Pressure is mounting from the Daily Mail, with our input, for Anglo to consider options that keep shareholders engaged The SSSG committee have sent a letter the Sirius Board of Directors requesting a meeting and further information. To see the 5 page letter go to the ShareSoc Sirius Forum page – sorry, but you will have to be ...

ShareSoc Sirius Shareholder Group (SSSG)

by Cliff Weight, ShareSoc Director for Policy and Campaigns ShareSoc has agreed to help individual shareholders in Sirius Minerals. We are seeking shareholders to collectively work together to get the best outcome for all shareholders. ShareSoc have launched the ShareSoc Sirius Shareholder Group to provide whatever support we can. This group is being run by Yashmin Ismail, Chris Spencer Phillips, Paul de Gruchy, Cliff Weight, Mark Jones and Ian Martignetti. We are not opining at this stage on the merits of the proposed Anglo ...

RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign – Update 17

ShareSoc and UKSA have now paused this campaign, because RBS are now engaging better with shareholders and have announced a programme of 4 events a year specifically focussed on engagement with individual shareholders. See, where you can also access a recording of RBS' successful virtual event on 25 Nov 2019. This has been a successful campaign. Notable achievements: We were able to successfully requisition 3 resolutions at two AGMs. Although we did not get shareholders to vote in favour of a ...

RBS Virtual Shareholder Engagement Meeting 25 Nov 2019 at 7pm

RBS have now announced details of their Virtual Shareholder Engagement Meeting on 25 Nov 2019 at 7.00pm, when you can listen and watch on the internet and ask questions, from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be. I hope many members will attend this meeting. To sign up and register click here You will need to submit your shareholder number. It is on your shareholder certificate. What happens if you hold your shares via a nominee?  I have asked RBS to clarify if ...

ShareSoc-UKSA Response: Law Commission Review of Intermediated Securities – Call for Evidence

ShareSoc-UKSA submitted a joint response on behalf of individual investors, on 5 Nov 2019. The key points we made were: Communication by email rather than by post is now the norm and assumed as the default position. Printing annual reports and shareholder circulars and sending them to shareholders by post is no longer necessary. Postage and printing costs were some of the key drivers of the nominee system. A modern system of intermediated securities should embrace and recognise modern technology and ensure ...

Law Commission Review of Intermediated Securities Consultation

I am writing to ask you to make a personal submission to The Law Commission Call for Evidence on the subject of dematerialisation, intermediated securities, shareholder rights and nominees/platforms. This is the most important issue that ShareSoc-UKSA campaigns on. Your response must be done by 5 November and submitted to By email to Commercial and Common Law Team, Law Commission, 1st Floor, Tower, 52 Queen’s Anne Gate, London, SW1H 9AG. I attach a copy of the official ShareSoc-UKSA  response, which runs to 38 pages. A personal ...