ShareSoc News

RIO – Rio Tinto plc Information and Vote Guidance 2023

ShareSoc introduced this new added value voting information service for Full Members only in 2021, providing background information on leading companies and AGM vote guidance. Initially, we are piloting this for FTSE30 companies, plus a few others in the FTSE100. We have decided to continue the pilot in 2023 and are looking at ways to improve our services to members. Below are links to the: 1. Stockopedia Summary Report. 2. Minerva Vote recommendations for the 6th April 2023 AGM based on their standard template. 3. ...

Press Release 123:
Jema Arnold appointed as a Director of ShareSoc

ShareSoc, the UK member organisation for individual investors, is delighted to announce that Jema Arnold has been appointed as Non-Executive Director. Jema Arnold qualified as a Chartered Accountant at Price Waterhouse, then specialised in financial recruitment to creative and consumer-facing businesses at organisations including Robert Walters, PageGroup and Korn Ferry. She is an active investor who is passionate about financial empowerment and keen to encourage wider interest in and knowledge of investing. Jema said “ShareSoc provides essential information, networking, education and lobbying functions ...

WOODFORD UPDATE 11 – Time to Act!

Implications of Justice Trower’s GLO ruling Register your interest in Woodford Compensation Now for more information Justice Trower refused the Group Litigation Order application and very sadly denied the request to require Link to inform potential claimants of their opportunity to claim. Justice Trower says it is not the court’s job to “encourage potential claimants to litigate”. So, it is up to you to make your decision. ShareSoc’s role is to highlight the issues for you to consider. In para 53 onwards he explains the ...

REX/Retail Book – Retail access to share offerings

  Shareholder Rights are central to ShareSoc’s campaigning activities. Defending pre-emptive rights and the rights of minority shareholders, and ensuring access for individuals to placings on fair terms are areas where we lobby, represent and campaign for the benefit of ShareSoc members and individual investors as a whole.   Primary Bid, in collaboration with the London Stock Exchange, has made huge strides in making IPOs and fund raises more available to retail shareholders. The Treasury is finally putting various initiatives in place following the ...

BETTER FINANCE publishes ShareSoc Investing Basics Videos

BETTER FINANCE is a pan-European organisation that aims to empower consumers in the field of finance. It works towards promoting financial literacy and providing consumers with the necessary information and resources to make informed financial decisions. The organisation also advocates for fair and transparent financial practices, and campaigns for better consumer protection. BETTER FINANCE has a network of national partners and representatives, who work together to achieve its goals. Through its initiatives and programs, BETTER FINANCE aims to create a better ...

Letter to the Treasury Committee re FCA’s Woodford Enquiry

The Financial Conduct Authority gave scant detail on progress regarding Woodford, in a letter to the Treasury Committee dated 14th December 2022 (published 11th January 2023), responding to questions posed during the hearing and updates to the Committee on progress in certain areas.    ShareSoc considers the FCA letter to be insufficient. We have written to the Committee saying “we respectfully request that the Committee consider asking members of the FCA to appear before the Committee in person so that the progress of ...

Invitation to Better Finance Conference 24 Jan at 10.30 CET (9.30am UK time)

Attending and voting at AGMs are important shareholder rights and responsibilities, central to ShareSoc’s Shareholder Rights campaign. A recent blog on how to ask questions is here and ShareSoc has also published guidance on AGMs, which can be downloaded here and here. ShareSoc has also previously held a free webinar on voting at AGMs, which can be viewed here. Readers interested in AGMs can now attend a free press conference organised by Better Finance entitled “Are shareholders really able to fully exercise their ...

I have £5,000 to invest. How do I choose the right platform?

ShareSoc’s Investing Basics videos have made us think quite a lot about what a new investor should do. If you have suddenly come into money, are new to investing and are wondering what to do with it, then you should seek some financial advice (and also watch the investing basics videos). But if you have saved a few thousand, or even a few tens of thousand, you won’t find a good financial adviser willing to spend their time with you (you ...

Sirius Minerals Update #16

We appreciate it has been a while since we have been able to provide an update regarding our investigation into the potential to make a claim or claims for legal redress for Sirius Shareholders. We are currently continuing to pursue a line of investigation, following legal advice, however, unfortunately, this is an extremely time-consuming process and at this stage, regrettably, there is nothing substantive that can be shared. We would, however, like to reassure you that we are working extremely hard in the ...

SIGnet Launches Tyne-Tees Investor Group

SIGnet, a not-for-profit organisation, is excited to announce the launch of a new group, for members in the Tyne-Tees area. Currently, the nearest group is in Leeds. SIGnet is offering this new Tyne-Tees group for members in the northeast. You are invited: to an online meeting to explain more about the group, meet other investors, and arrange our first group meetings. This launch meeting is scheduled at 7pm on 8th February and is expected to last approximately 90 minutes. It is open to ...