Membership Upgrade

Full or Combined membership of ShareSoc and SIGnet helps to support the activities of the Society. 

The simplest way to pay for either membership option is by completing the form below using a credit or debit card and clicking on the “Submit” button. Please note that this uses the secure Stripe payment system to process the payment which will automatically set up an annual subscription. You can cancel future payments at any time simply by contacting us.

Alternatively, to pay by bank transfer, please contact our office.

For more information on the benefits of Membership, go back to this page: Membership

If you are renewing an existing Membership, please go to this page instead: Subscription Renewal

Paying members are committed to paying £1 on wind up of the company under the Articles of Association. Refer to our Legal page if you wish to read our privacy policy and the terms and conditions that apply to membership.

All new Membership registrations will be acknowledged via email. Please note that this can take up to 3 working days.