Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

To receive our monthly newsletters, join ShareSoc!

October 2017

Editorial, ShareDeal Active Nominee Account, Foresight 4 VCT – Big Changes Needed, Barclays Stockbroking Complaints, ShareSoc Responds to the LSE’s AIM Discussion Paper, Sophos, Interquest, Government Policy, Leon Boros: The Tortoise and the Hare, Review: ShareSoc Investor Event London 13/9/17, ShareSoc’s Response to Patient Capital Review, Events Calendar, Recent AGM Reports This is a summary of the articles contained in this newsletter. Go here to learn how to obtain our newsletters and read the full contents.

September 2017

Editorial, Vested Interests Win a Battle...but We Will Win the War!, Government delivers a damp squib on executive pay, Another Fat Cat Payoff at Hunting, The Internet of Things - Telit and Tern, Another Financial Services Scandal: Broker Fined, Telit: Warning Signs in the Remuneration Report, How Many Stocks, Leon Boros: Momentum Leads the Way, Focus on Non Executive Directors, Saudi Aramco - The LSE Shows Its True Colours, Spotting danger ahead, RBS Shareholder event hijacked by other stakeholder groups, Departures ...

August Summer Special 2017

Editorial, VCT Investors Group Campaign, Help Improve Annual Reports, National Grid and Electric Cars, Leon Boros: Anchors Aweigh in Omaha, AIM Rules Review, Performance Fees - Don't You Just Hate Them?, Report: ShareSoc Investor Seminar Manchester 11.7.17, Grenfell: Lessons for the Investment Community, Events Calendar, Guide to ShareSoc's new Events Page, AGM Reports This is a summary of the articles contained in this newsletter. Go here to learn how to obtain our newsletters and read the full contents.

July 2017

The changing role of non-Executive Directors, Lessons from Monitise, ShareSoc Launches New Website, New Columnist: Leon Boros, RBS payout may trigger other group litigations, RBS case shows why trust must be rebuilt in business, If Carlsberg did Capital Market Days they'd be like HarbourVest, Enormous Management Fees at British Smaller Companies VCT, Voting Issues, Notes from an UKSA meeting with the Management of Young and Co's Brewery PLC, Report: ShareSoc Investor Seminar 14 June 2017, Events calendar, AGM Reports This is a ...

June 2017

Changes to ShareSoc's Board, RBS Potential Settlement: Where's the Justice?!, ShareSoc Foresight 4 Campaign update, Expensive dividends - National Grid and Electra Private Equity, Rolls-Royce - Audits Investigated and AGM, Pearson Pay Vote Lost, A tale of three AGMs, Open-Ended Property Funds, Bank Credit Card Accounting, Sainsbury Results, Petrofac AGM Report, Fevertree Drinks AGM Report, Accesso Technology Group Plc AGM, Tritax Big Box REIT PLC AGM, Shareholders and superbugs, Fusionex - Another AIM Company Disappears into the Night, Voting Your Shares ...
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