Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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February 2015

Beating the Index: Fundsmith Results, Monitise Crashes, Forex Trading, ScS Group Listing - a PrePack Phoenix Relists, HSS Hire and IPOs, Market Abuse - ESMA Advises on New Regime, Corporate Governance at Quindell, and News on Aero Inventory, Share Ownership Reform, Chris Menon Interviews Rory Gillen, High Pay Centre Launch Fat Cat Competition, My Favourite Share (Bioventix), Armour Group, Book Review: Berkshire Beyond Buffett, How I Choose My Investments, Negative Bond Yields, Life Settlement Group

January 2015

Law Suits: Quindell + Lloyds + RBS and SIPPs, Lloyds ECN Scandal, Royal Mail and the Myners Report, Naibu Suspended, Charles Stanley loses Finance Director, Two More AIM Exits - Ludorum and Armour, Daniel Stewart, FairFX, 2014 Review and New Year Resolutions, YouTube Video on Shareholder Rights, Ignoring the UK Corporate Governance Code, How Many Roles?, Pensioner Bonds, Closet Index Trackers, ShareRadio, Future Events, ShareSoc MasterClass, Sector Review: Pharm and Biotech, Auditor Regulation, Controlling Bankers.

June 2015

Lloyds Bank, RBS Legal Case, Plus500 - The Last Word, Rensburg AIM VCT Wind-Up, Chinese AIM Companies -Sorbic et al, Interested in VCTs?, Issuing More Shares in Investment Trusts, Visit to Xaar, The Wonders of LTIPs - WPP and Sprue Aegis, A Dream Become a Nightmare, The Best Investment Web Sites, Personal Crest Membership, Valuing Unprofitable Companies, Cambridge Cognition, EU Directives, Policies - Call for Help.

December 2014

Tesco Legal Action, BG Group and Pay, Bradford & Bingley and Northern Rock Bonds, BP & Shell AGM Resolutions, AIM Delistings - Security Research and Rethink, Alpha Pyrenees Trust, British Empire Trust, Chancellor's Autumn Statement, FairFX Company Review, Vanguard Backing Shareholder Committees, IHT Relief in AIM Companies, EU Shareholder Rights Directive, The Small-cap Risk Myth, Mello2014 Review, H-Scores for the Supermarkets, What Works for Me - Philip Hayton, The Pension Revolution, A Year in Review: Victoria, Blinkx, Quindell and Tesco.

November 2014

Glaxo Results, A Tale of Two Trusts - SLS and BRWM, The Vote at Electra Private Equity, Legal Action on Lloyds-TSB and HBOS, Optimal Payments and Quindell and Equity Loans, Shareholder Rights Campaign Launched, Shareholder Rights - The Way Forward, FCA Campaign on Scams, Directors' Pay Rises, Progress on the Kay Review, Growth Company Seminar Report, Mello2014 and ShareSoc AGM Reports
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