Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

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November/December 2019

Editorial, SVS Special Administration, Halma, Buffett Bot, Hargreaves Lansdown AGM, Patisserie Holdings, Carpetright – The Vultures are Circling, Natural Resources, Exchange Market Size in Stockopedia, RNS Announcements, Abcam, British Steel, Defective Accounts – Halfords, Blancco Campaign – Update, Green Accreditation, Woodford Closing Down, How to Avoid Dud Managers, VCTs – The Real Returns, Albion Venture Capital, Investment Trusts – Directors’ Holdings, Murray Income Trust AGM 5 Nov 2019, ProVen, Law Commission Review of Intermediated Securities, FRC’s New UK Stewardship Code, FCA ...

October 2019

Editorial, ShareSoc and SIGnet Merger, How Long Will You Live?, Burford, Company Refs Acquired, Operation Yellowhammer, ISVS Securities, Ventus VCT: Director Changes, Downing One VCT, Are VCTs Worth the Risks?, City of London Investment Trust, VCT Management and Performance Fees, Treatt Trading Statement, 3i: Well Managed and Well Incentivised, CentralNic, Photo-Me, Dunelm Results, Equals Interim, Speedy Hire Presentation, Paypoint CEO, Victoria AGM, Open Orphan, JD Wetherspoon Results, Intercede AGM, Tech Stock Valuations, RBS Shareholder Event, FT Lombard column mention of ShareSoc, ...

September 2019

Editorial, Why Numbers Are Not Important, Market Crashes, Asset Managers on Brink of Historic Shakeout?, Inspiration from a Young Investor, Burford Capital - Shorting Attack, General Electric: Another Shorting Attack, Action following resignation of Auditors,  National Grid, Sports Direct, D4t4 Solutions AGM, Albion Venture Capital Trust Plc, Albion Capital - Voting Problems, Ventus VCT AGMs - A Disappointing Result?, Ventus Funds, Northern Rock Shareholder Action Group, The iceberg of dysfunctional boards, Upgrading ShareSoc's Website, Book Review, Material from Recent ShareSoc Events, ...

August 2019

Editorial, Brexit Investment Strategies, Persimmon, Thomas Cook - misleading investors?, RBS Shareholder Event, Bankers' Pay: HSBC and Santander, IQE - The long and the short of it, New Stockopedia Version, Abcam Trading Update, Albion Venture Capital Trust PLC, Ventus and Ventus 2 VCTs, Bradford & Bingley, Governance - Long-serving board directors, Buybacks, Inheritance Tax Simplification, Inheritance Tax Simplification – Perhaps, FRC: Audit Quality, FCA: Abnormal Price Movements, Renold Accounts, ShareSoc in the Press, AGM Reports & Presentations, Events

July 2019

Editorial, Woodford - FCA Grilled, Woodford, FCA, Asset Management, Bonmarché Update, Slack IPO, Zero Carbon Objective for the UK, The Volkswagen DieselGate Scandal, Investment Platforms - Your Views, The Share Centre, Investment Platforms Market Study Remedies, Review of Intermediated Securities, Erosion of Shareholder Rights, ShareSafe, Accounting Standards - Paying Illegal Dividends, Accounting Practice - Burford Capital, Redcentric (RCN) Campaign Important Developments, VCT Investor Group, Ventus & Ventus 2 VCT, Royal Mail, Lloyds Banking Group (LLOY), Amati AIM VCT AGM, Proven VCT, ...
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