Our Newsletters

This page contains a list of the contents of all past newsletters issued by ShareSoc. Our Newsletters contain a mixture of topical news items and longer, more in-depth, analyses and reports.

A sample of one of our past newsletters is present in this pdf file (this is the “Full” version of the newsletter as distributed via email to Full Members monthly – Associate Members receive a shorter “Summary” version): Newsletter Sample.  ShareSoc Full Members can obtain copies of all the newsletters summarised on this page, by clicking on each Newsletter and a downloadable copy of the complete newsletter can then be found on the right hand side.

To receive our monthly newsletters, join ShareSoc!

August 2018

Editorial, Beaufort Client Campaign, Please Allow Us to Keep in Touch, Hedging Against Brexit, Royal Mail Remuneration, Voting at General Meetings - Link Asset Services, FRC Developments, Investment Platforms Market Study, Inheritance Tax Simplification Review - A Reply, Who Owns IQE?, UK Corporate Governance Code and new Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018, Premier Foods AGM - Gavin Darby dodges a bullet, Premier Foods and stock lending, GB Group AGM, Facebook/ Rightmove Plc (RMV)/ Alliance Trust (ATST), Perils of a Craft Monopoly, ...

July 2018

Editorial, Radio 4 File on 4 - Shorting Shares, Whose company is it anyway?, London Value Investors Conference, Should Trust Managers Attempt to Unseat the Board in a Dispute over Fees?, Inheritance Tax Review, Belated Action by FRC Re Autonomy, RBS Sale/ Blackrock Smaller Companies AGM, The Dangers of Administrations, Access to Placings for Individual Investors, BEIS Consultation on Insolvency, Beaufort Client Campaign Update, Quindell and the FRC, Hybrid AGMs and British Land, Horizon Discovery AGM, Chrysalis VCT, Watch out FRC ...

June 2018

Editorial, RBS AGM Shareholder Committee Vote, Protect your rights, act now!, UK private investment shows in 2018: the long and short of it, If the Feds Bust yer Broker, who ya Gonna Call? ShareSoc!, ShareSoc demands fair treatment for Beaufort clients, Beaufort Client Campaign: Update 1, Beaufort Client Campaign: Update 2, Write to your MP to prevent YOUR assets from being raided, FRC review and the future of audit: break up or shape up?, LoopUp / Audioboom, Maven VCT 4 AGM, ...

May 2018

Editorial, RBS - ShareSoc Letter to the Prime Minister, Persimmon, RBS AGM Voting Recommendations, Remuneration and Campaign Update, Revised Governance rules for AIM Companies, Beaufort Administration, Intercede and the Mello Conference, The Departure of Sir Martin Sorrell, Mission Marketing, Integrity and independence in the judiciary, Conviviality Fire Sale, Save the Date – 3 July – 'What auditors do all day!', Link Asset Services, Lack of Transparency at the FRC, Beaufort Securities Revelations - ShareSoc Demands Investigation, Shareholder Rights, Leon Goes For ...

April 2018

Editorial, RBS: Shareholder Committee Resolution will be put to the AGM, ShareSoc's RBS Campaign: Press Coverage, Royal Bank of Scotland Rights Issue Settlement, Aviva Irredeemable Preference Shares, Aviva Preference Shares – FCA Announcement, Analyst Presentations: the Unlevel Playing Field, Sustainable Finance Action Plan, Weir, Running Out of Gas, InvestorEase to Close, Safestyle/ Carpetright/ IDOX, Naming and Shaming Fund Managers, Persimmon AGM, Beaufort and the Regulators: US Prosecutors Expose Wide Ranging Scam, Blancco: ShareSoc Campaign Update, Retailers, GKN – Melrose, GKN and ...
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