RBS Virtual Shareholder Engagement Meeting 25 Nov 2019 at 7pm

RBS have now announced details of their Virtual Shareholder Engagement Meeting on 25 Nov 2019 at 7.00pm, when you can listen and watch on the internet and ask questions, from the comfort of your home or wherever you may be. I hope many members will attend this meeting.

To sign up and register click here

You will need to submit your shareholder number. It is on your shareholder certificate.

What happens if you hold your shares via a nominee?  I have asked RBS to clarify if such people can attend or are being disenfranchised. They say they can attend. They have invited their ecomms main register shareholder population, which they felt was the most appropriate thing to do for their first virtual shareholder event. They are also advertising the event on RBS.com so any shareholder who doesn’t receive a personalised invite may nevertheless join. If nominee shareholders want to join, you can just ignore the request for SRNs and it’s still fine to register. Apparently it will still work. Let me know if you have a problem.

RBS have told me that they are not contacting nominee shareholders in the ordinary course, as it would be for their nominees to advise them of the event if they choose to do so. This is a point of concern we have raised in our response to the Law Commission Call For Evidence.


RBS seem to be doing a better job at engaging with individual shareholders. The 25 Nov Virtual event follows on from the successful physical event in London on 10 Sep 2019. Assuming this continues, we should not need to requisition a resolution for better shareholder engagement at the AGM next year.

See https://sharesocstagin.wpenginepowered.com/blog/meetings-for-investors/rbs-shareholder-event-10-september-2019/

Cliff Weight, Director, Sharesoc and RBS Shareholder Committee Campaign Co-ordinator

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