The Law Commission begins review of intermediated securities system

Press release 110 – The Law Commission begins review of intermediated securities system

    UKSA-ShareSoc welcome the commencement of the Law Commission review of the intermediated securities system.

    Share Soc Director Cliff Weight said “12 million UK investors should be pleased that this review will look at reforms needed to ensure legal redress is available when needed. They will also be pleased that the law regarding the rights and protections of investors will be reviewed. This will help ensure better transparency for investors and accountability of directors to their beneficial owners.”

    UKSA Policy Director Peter Parry said “We have been campaigning for shareholder rights for 20 years and are pleased to see our complaints are at last being heard and there is now hope that these issues will soon be addressed.”

    Shareholder rights have been eroded through the way the nominee system has been implemented. It is now timely to see how best these rights can be restored.

    A system where the end investor is clearly recognised in law and shown on the shareholder register will be a great improvement. It is a fundamental pre-requisite of shareholder democracy.

    For more information see: where the Law Commission have just published a news item on its site announcing the project.

    Information About ShareSoc, the UK Individual Shareholders Society
    ShareSoc is the UK’s largest retail shareholder organisation acting in all areas of the UK stock market with 5,000 members. It is a not for profit company. ShareSoc is dedicated to the support of individual investors (private shareholders as opposed to institutional investors). We aim to make and keep investors better informed to improve their investment skills and protect the value of their investments. We won’t shirk from tackling companies, the Government or other institutions if we think individual shareholders are not being treated fairly.

    UKSA, The UK Shareholders’ Association
    UKSA is the oldest shareholder campaigning organisation in the UK. UKSA is a not for profit company that represents and supports shareholders who invest in the UK stock market.

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